
We are all born with great potential.
Are you living up to yours?

That’s the question in the back of my mind each day.

Most people don’t ask themselves that question as often as they should.

NOTE: all golden text and images that POP  when hovered over are links to relevant pages or external resources.

You can hold your mouse or finger over these to see the link it will take you to.

Note 02/19/24:    This website is under construction. Some pages are incomplete or not yet developed, please be patient as I learn how to build, revise, & optimize this website for mobile viewing.

Latest Update:   Creating Posts Archive page as a foundation for content creation; restructuring website layout.

For Professionals:

   If you’re looking for professional proof, the pudding is over here.

Steel Shepherd in 10 seconds:

   Steel Shepherd is the ideal mentor and real-life hero I wished for as a youth; a man I now aim to embody for my future  wife, children, family, and friends to have.

   This man is a Soul Winner, Soldier, Socialite, and Survivalist. A polymath of the 21st century.

The 4 Pillars of Purpose

Soul Winner

   To become skilled in the Word of God, able to prove all things from the scriptures, and show anyone with ears to hear how to be saved from hell.

1 Peter 3:15


   To become a friend, father, and husband fit to fight in defense of loved ones with mind and body; even in an age of rapid technological evolution.

Psalms 18:32-34


   To become an articulate and dependable friend. One able to find work and establish a cooperative network of skilled contacts anywhere in the world

Romans 12:17-18


   To become trained to thrive in adverse, scarce, or wild situations where others might perish for lack of knowledge. One able to teach others also

Mark 1:6

All Projects

Professional Projects

   Here are projects I’ve used to develop professionally with the ultimate aim of becoming a physical and digital penetration tester.

   This is essentially a professional hacker and security auditor.

Current Project(s):

My attention is currently focused on building the Steel Shepherd website.

Past Projects:

Categorized collections of projects completed or attempted, and the lessons learned.